Repair Shop owners.  
Introducing An Additive Programs
To Grow Your Auto Repair Shop Income.

    Additives are many! Few can make you a dime until Bud Esterline took additives into a new area - Make them solve the unsolved problems new parts can overcome.

    This ideal sounds strange - but having a vehicle serviced with additives as part of the holistic fix fits in nicely with car and equipment owners thinking of preventing future problems. Bud Esterline found a way to do that and his line of Mega Power Brand Products do that - no other additive brand claims too! Discover by research that removing the bumper to bumper negatives now causing them to lose 10% to 20% of its normal operating horsepower - now removable by a number of different additive package as a treatment. They do all the component necessary fluid replacement but with horsepower boosting, noticeable as the customer steps on the gas and the tires burn rubber  - surpringly.

     For our part we add the money making part for the repair shop owner with  the proven marketing tht can double your shop income - with no more work.

    Possible with understanding since the 20 year research by 3 Ohio State University Professors of Marketing Findings. They discovered the SECRET that makes one struggling business among many suddenly succeed, while competing shops struggle. Their students - and Corporations, are paying up to a half-million-dollars for the customize secret the Professors discovered. The principle isthe answer to the Mystery of what works, now amassing fortunes to those practicing the principles involved. 

   Our auto repair shop program can put those principles in your hand customized to your needs. This program can doubled, then tripled his income making ability day by day. Paid for in the program - not separately. Showing you exactly what to do and say!  You can now apply the principles to build your wealth! Auto repair shops owners wanting a program to help them is not available to all.

   The Program is limited to exclusive usage to only one of every four shops who qualify. If chosen, you will in steps use a simple, but powerful program to success  you know someone knows and you need to know. 

   Auto repair options provide automotive repair shop owners the only way to increase their business today. With a system that fills the missing  solution to make daily profit grow - without any more work! It attracts more profitable customers, makes you the  competition to fear. Makes you famous for doing so!

    To do so, you must have a system of service that:

  1. Uses what you know, but can't use profitably in advertising and with each customer that boost profits upward.

  2.  That Customers chose to pay more for - willingly

  3. That gets customers to return for more of - they now go to others for.

      A free report offers the secret to do so.

      Just fill in the info for the free report. 


  1. You are receiving this free report because it contains the secrets  you sent in for, successful companies use. What must be used to help a struggling business lift themselves out of commonality to success.

  2. Study its simple - yet so powerful ideals. Think of the many ways you can apply its principles to your business to stop the thousands of dollars every month driving in and out of your shop - and making competitors rich - at your expense!

  3. We can add an important aspect to the principle that will boost your income daily, using what you know about wear and tear, but can't use profitably with our program. It contains the success features you - to daily increase your business profit growing skills dramatically.
  1. can end them with additives! Just as an array of new human medicines are ending many heath problems, avoiding surgery need, and eliminating  their budget busting hospital bills. So to with...New automotive additives. THEIR CARE and PROBLEM ENDING FEATURES are doing the same for motor vehicle owners by invention of what I call My >FAST FIX< SLO-WEAR additive treatments.   What people say about them is what Mikes says...     Here's what Mike says about our Add and Drive, Engine Fix-Her from auto-repair-options:   "I ordered the engine additive treatment George sells and installed it to end my old, worn engine running problems. It runs like on its last mile!    After a mile of driving afterwards, and a few coughs, the noisy, listless engine just perked up frisky-like, yet, purred like a kitten being petted! Since that day...   It's little running problems just went away! It's been strong and quiet since then - like it use to be years ago! An amazing improvement for what I'd say is an older engine." Mike H.What Problems?

    Even the most serious internal fuel injector, engine problems have simple causes that additives will end - and then do conditioning for a total recovery.     Not a busted or completely failed part - No! But's its healing after repair afterwards - for sure!    However, some of the most common engine problems additives can end include a noise such as tap tap tap, oil leaks, Oil consumption, overheating, stalling, black or blues exhaust smoking, or starting trouble turning over. Each of these occurs for a reason, and each has its own cause, its own auto repair option solution.    Additives as your auto repair option.   If you try additive, look for additives that can fix your engine, and or radiator causing engine problem by addition to the fuel, motor oil, Radiator coolant.    You will want to have a new oil/fluid change after the problem goes away as your new care and problem-avoiding treatment to keep the system clean and smooth going forward. Explained on the page your problem fix is  given.    How to find your additive remedy!READ a few pages to get the gest of the service and what the recipe is.Call me if you have a question - or to order by phone instead of online.Don't be stupid and only service the problem - when you should service all five components with the same treatments. I'll walk you thru them! 

  Is there an additive to End your vehicle problem?  Probably! 
  Is it Guaranteed?   Sure!   Can you do the Service?  Sure! It's Easy to do!