Exhaust valves Contact Info: If on a smartphone, to ask a question, or to order products listed, Call me at 512 665 3388.... george
Exhaust Valve Solutions.
This reviews products to clean and lube your motor valves chemically. Mega Power Additive Chimicals do the best job of cleaning because they undo the molecule structure of carbon and resins, rather than the poorer solvent mehtod, but two brands, JusticeBrothers.com and Mega Power Additives chemicaly clean them and add their bonus super lube friction modifier at the same time. Those brands are favored as they are efficient at raising engine suction 5 to 10 inches of vaccum, which gives a real boost to any engine service for enudance and performance, few mechanics know about.
Justice Brothers Additives can be bougtht from repair shops and mechanics promoting Justice Borthers Additives. Try to find them by zip code locally. I feature, explain and sell Mega Power Additives to anyone here online, for car buffs, equipment operators who service their own equipment, and indiviuals seeking a source for automotive care and additive help.
The best way to end your exhaust valves upsetting engine state is not to do a expensive valve service by tear down. No!
The best way is to ocasionally clean your whole engine internally with conditionners that clean the exhaist and allm valves. It starts with removing what made your motor come to be affected, and choices for correction, including ours. I promote this one as a Best Repair Shop Method used in my own shop and now teach and Distribute to other repair shops. This is the method explained and sold here online for repair shops and individuals - who like to do their own tinkering.
How the exhaust valve treatment we sell is what you need.
As you can imagine, your motor's fuel and exhaust works with perfect timing to make your engine the powerhouse it is. To do so, 8 to 24 T shaped devices called fuel and exhaust valves do the job thanklessly for years on end. However, acids change the surfaces of these parts to a pitted condition. Then, sticky residues coat them with layers of film.
How Mega Power Ends exhaust valve troubles.
Mega Power Valve Treatment stops the
IThe exhaist valve troubles builds over time operation at 1200 degress, and cooks any sticky residue attached. Eventually, this slows the movement of the valves, may cause:
Sometimes that built up layer will keep the exhaust valves from closing. Several negative operating conditions then appear - the trouble your mechanic told you about.
What mechanics charge to end your motor valve tap noise.
You can pay several thousand dollars to have your motor taken apart to get to the valves to hand clean them - a 50 years old method that will set you back about 2 months wages...
...or take advantage of this new product that ends the tap by chemical cleaning valves as you drive - for $350, if a mechanic installs the product. Under $100, if you know how to add gas and oil to your car, and install the treatment in the same places to end the problem yourself.
Here is what to do to end your valve tap.
Order the Mega Power Valve Cleaning Treatment shown below.
Directions - are easy to follow.
If a mechanic does the install
Right now, its - worth over $250 to $400 for a mechanic to install it. It includes an oil change needed a week later.
If you do the simple install yourself -and I have both non-mechanically inclined men and women doing so easily and successfully, those people pay $80 plus $15 shipping to have the product shipped to them. Over 100,000 kits have been sold. A bit less for auto repair shops who inventory a half dozen of so to have them handy. Total $95.00
This method and results is guaranteed to be as good as a mechanic's repair price of taking your motor apart to clean the valves - at $1500 to $4000 in cost. My Mega Power Valve Treatment ways to clean your motor and its valves in the BEST and easiest,way - as you drive - most times completing the job in minutes.
Just $80 plus $15 shipping - before prices are sure to double, to now have the product shipped to you. Over 100,000 kits have been sold. Auto repair shops who inventory a half dozen of so get them $20 cheaper, to have them handy to make their repairs superior in results.
To ask a question or to order, call me day or eve at 1 512 665 3388. ...george
Your order is shipped Fedex or USPS with 3 day delivery to your door.
For phone ordering Say, "You want to order the Mega Power Valve Treatment." Either way, Mega Powewr comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.
And if you want to see how to add Mega Power to your other car components My HOW-TO, will have your car running quiet, smooth, and more powerful, years past what any other type of car and equipment care can provide! You'll want that help, and its given here.
The troublesome valves we're after - are those that sound like hunks of metal pounding in your motor with a beat.
They are your motors fuel-intake, and exhaust-valves - and their automatic valve-adjusters. Your motor has 8 to 24 of each of them. When dirty - they get that way over time, their dirty condition causes them to fall out of step in their closing sequence. You seen marchers in a band out of step. It looks odd.
With your engine valves their dirty condition slows-down their closing movement. This creates a space such, when the space closes, your tap tap tap noise appears.
We found 3 ways to end those annoying engine valve taps<ol><li>Have a mechanic do a "engine valve service," $2000+, where your motor is dismantled and every part is hand cleaned, valves machined, and new valve lifters replace.</li><li>Pour in an engine flushing compound to rinse out the motor of sludge. Not recommended.</li><li>Try a new product from Mega Power containing new Hi-tech chemistry that frees sticky valves and lifters. Mega Power ingredients actually
Our engine tap remedy Review...</B><ul>
Of the many valve-additive products sold in the market place; some have a dubious history that actually increase wear out, we found a new product that quiets the tap quickly when nothing else does! It is sold with a guarantee, also!
The same Valve tap, Engine noise, motor additive product - our choice, helps make your motor "stronger." By a special kind of friction conditioning advantage it ends your motor tap noise, and "promotes years longer life" doing so, users say, and because it
- one of the other causes of valve tap. Friction speeds up wear-out by several years. So a reduction should promote longer engine life. Those are good benefits!
This "valve tap ending treatment" from Mega Power, will end your motor noise and tap, and protect your motor, because it goes where oil and other products cannot, in a new and different way, and that advantage ends your problem.<B></ul>
Lets take a look at your engine valves, their problem, the Mega Power Remedy</B><ul>
Your motor has 8 to 24 piston-related valves - and valve lifters, depending on the number of cylinders. Each valve has a
"lifter" and each cylinder has 2 or more valves. Some motors have 3 or four valves and these help fuel and exhaust work better. One or one valve-set lets in fuel, and the others exit spent combustion out your exhaust pipe.
Residue buildup will cause those motor parts to tap. Residues and friction may makes your motor sound like a sewing machine. See picture.
There are also a valve in your motors oil pump. When sticky oil pressure lowers and starves the lifters of pressure needed to keep them adjusting tightly taking up any wear slack.
When dirty, or starved for oil,
and their tiny piston - the adjuster part, will collapse, meaning it drops down into it bore. This makes a space and a tapping or clicking noise as the lifter smack the valve, on its valve raising and closing assignment. Got that?</ul><B>
What starts your valve tap and engine noise problem?</B>
Note the arrows in the picture. Note the double ended arrows showing two way activity.Sticky valves will close slowly and allow some fuel to escape back into the manifold - a power losing effect.
Note arrows going down along the piston. Those shows how your motor's combustion escapes pass your sticky piston rings - instead of helping to push your piston downward.
That escape is called "blowby" and speeds up oil breakdown and causes sludge formation. Guess what causes your oil pump, lifters, and valves problems?
Protect both your motor and transmission too: Both meed it.
Order a Treatment of the 6 item treatment shown, for your motor $80, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission to service the fluid andf protect with Mega Power: Both, just $110, plus $15s&p= $125 total. [Regular price for both $155] Save $45.
Yep, now you know the problem and the remedy.